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Easter Bonnet Bouquet

Easter Bonnet Bouquet


Pink and yellow blooms create the perfect gift to celebrate the season! This bouquet is happiness... delivered :)


*Bouquet pictures is the deluxe size


Please Note:

Specific flowers and vase may vary based on availability. Please feel free to add any special requests for your arrangement in the notes section at check out!


Delivery Fee:

A $12 delivery fee will be applied at check out.

We deliver to Oyster Bay, East Norwich, Locust Valley, Bayville, Center Island, Syosett, Laurel Hollow, Brookville, Cold Spring Harbor, Jericho, Woodbury, Huntington, Lloyd Harbor, Melville, Plainview, Hicksville, Westbury, Roslyn, Glen Cove, Sea Cliff, Glen Head, and East Hills. Please inquire to make arrangements for deliveries outside of these areas.

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